Wednesday, May 12, 2010


I had debated on whether to post this until I had more information, but decided I needed to post for my own sanity. Here I sit in my house, on the computer at 11:02pm, while Jasmine, and her sister Blossom stay at the vet over night. Jasmine was supposed to come home with me tonight, but had surgery complications. I was more worried about this second surgery, and her, for some reason. I am not sure why, but maybe it is because I knew something wasn't right. I only wanted to do what was best for her, but it may not have been what was best after all. Jasmine went through surgery fine. However, after surgery, she oozed and bled a little more than is normal for a rat in these types of situations. They put a wrap over the area, but Jasmine being Jasmine found a way to get it off, lol. Once she calmed down she stopped bleeding. However, when I went to pick her up, when they just transferred Jasmine from one cage to another, she started really bleeding and oozing again. The doctor was not happy about that. We discussed options and came to the conclusion that the best option was to open her up again and make sure nothing had happened during surgery. The other possibility was clotting issues. Upon opening Jasmine back up, they found no evidence of anything bleeding inside, or of anything that would be causing the bleeding. She retied the blood vessels again just to make sure. What the vet did notice though was bruising in the tissues, which is uncommon with this type of surgery, except in rats with clotting issues. They had stopped the bleeding for the mean time, but if Jasmine continues to bleed like this throughout the night, there is a possibility she might not make it. : (

As I said in the previous post, this was Jasmine's second surgery for tumor removal. The vet and I discussed pre-surgery that continuing to put a rat through tumor removal surgery over and over again is not good. Because of the complications this time, I have decided if Jasmine makes it through this and gets another mammary tumor, there will be no more surgeries. This one has been incredibly hard on her and she will be lucky to be alive if she makes it through this. I will find alternate methods of treatment, but no more surgeries!

I will keep you all updated on Jasmine's condition!

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