Saturday, May 1, 2010

Only Rat Lovers Would Understand...

My husband and I are big tea lovers and buy tons of different teas at a time. We went to Target today to buy tea, and there staring me in the face was a tea named Jasmine Blossom! My two rats, Jasmine and Blossom are sister's from the same litter and cagemates. Well, of course I screamed to my husband, "Oh my gosh, LOOK! Jasmine Blossom tea! We have to buy it, we just HAVE to!!!" He just shook his head, knowing how I am. Suffice it to say, we came home with the Jasmine Blossom tea! : ) I have no clue if it is good, or what it tastes like, but at least I have tea with my ratties name on it. Only fellow rat lovers would understand, lol.

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