Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Jasmine's Upcoming Surgery

Well, my dear Jasmine is going to the vet tomorrow to get her large mammary tumor looked at. If she is healthy in all other ways, she will undergo surgery tomorrow. Jasmine did well in surgery last time, but it took her a while to bounce back from the surgery (2 days, which might not sound like a lot, but it is a lot for a rat). Blossom, her sister and cagemate was wonderful. She took such good care of Jasmine, and I really think that helped Jasmine. The vet had told me to separate them after surgery so that Blossom wouldn't chew on Jasmine's suture's or wound. I decided instead to watch them closely and see if Blossom would leave Jasmine's wound alone. She never touched it. I am truly glad I did not separate the two. I truly think separation should only be done in cases where the other rat is inhibiting the healing of the wounded rat by chewing on the wound, or trying to take the sutures out. Taking rats away from each other in an already stressful situation does not help encourage the healing process. I am very proud of my Blossom and know she will come through for her sister again. She also stayed with Jasmine at the vet last time and helped her through that process as well.

My other pet rat, Izzie had to have a tumor removal as well while she was still here. I was worried about her, but not the way I was worried about Jasmine. Izzie was a very sweet, sensitive and tender hearted rat, but she was a tough as nails, physically. She went through a lot physically after Flower died, and came out the other side. When it was time for her to go to the Bridge, she refused to let go, I had to help her. My Jazzy Jazz (her nickname) on the other hand, puts on a tough act physically and personality wise. She wants everyone to think she is tough as nails. She can be a real brat, and act like a child if she does not get her way (if you ever want to see a rat throw a temper tantrum, come to my house and watch me take something away from Jasmine that she shouldn't have, but really wants. Watch me stop her from doing something she knows she should not be doing. Then you will see a rat throw a temper tantrum, LOL). Anyway, Jasmine's tough as nails act is all an illusion. On the inside and outside she is just a big softy. That's why I worry about her undergoing surgery. She's had respiratory infections twice, and a tumor removal already. I worry about her more than the other rats health wise. Last time she underwent surgery, I worried all day. So, I know she will be okay, but tomorrow will be another worrisome day! Good luck my little Jazzy Jazz!

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