Sunday, May 2, 2010

Litter, Bedding and Rat Health

I am sure most rat owners are aware of this very important health tip in rat health. However, it is always good to post it for those new to the rat world, and as a reminder to those of who already know this, and who have had rats for a long time.

Rats have a very sensitive respiratory system. Almost anything in the environment can cause respiratory issues in our rats. Dust, the build up of ammonia in the cage, scented candles, aerosol sprays, etc. Another thing that can cause respiratory issues in our rats is the litter/bedding we use in our rats cages. Pine and cedar shavings have oils that are toxic to rats and can cause serious respiratory issues for our furry friends. On top of the oils, they are dusty, and any type of dust can hurt our rats respiratory systems. Why these types of litters are even still on the market today is completely beyond me. However, they are, and we need to avoid them like the plague.

There are other litters that can be used in place of pine and cedar. Here is a list:

- Aspen shavings: while these shavings do not have the oils that are toxic to rats, they are still somewhat dusty in my personal opinion. My rats sneezed with this litter.

- Carefresh: I have never used this, but know people who do, and who like it.

- Soft Sorbent: I used this one for quite some time. I liked it, and it does not have oils that are toxic to rats. And it is virtually dust free.

- Eco Bedding: This is the litter I use now. It is completely dust free, and the rats love it! They burrow in it, they bring it up to the top of their cage, they build nests with it and sleep in it. It is fun for the rats, though sort of messy for the human, as it just shredded paper and it gets everywhere! : ) Beware of the odor control version of this bedding though, as it has some chemical in it to control odor, and my ratties sneezed with it. My vet recommended me to use only the one without the odor control. On that same topic, it is not as absorbent or odor controlling as other litters out there, but I don't have the heart to change back to soft sorbent, because my ratties LOVE this litter so much. : )

I know there are other litters out there that I am missing. The biggest things to check for in a litter is to make sure it does not have the oils that are toxic to ratties, and that it is dust free.

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